Get Informed For A Great Interview

  • Arrive at least 15 to 20 minutes early. Traffic in Atlanta is unpredictable. Check your phone if you need to kill time, but never show up late.

  • Be sure you have looked through the company's URL thoroughly. Know who you are asking for and what their title is. A Human Resource person will likely conduct a different kind of interview than a Director of Development.

  • Answer the interviewer's questions as specifically as you can or have them clarify the question. Be sure to relate your technical skills and background to the position requirements throughout the interview by making analogous comparisons.

  • Smile and make eye contact. Show enthusiasm and express interest in the company/position. Nobody wants to hire a person who seems morose.

  • Anticipate tough questions. If a company doesn't ask any tough questions, you likely will not be challenged there, so be ready and if you don't know something, admit it.

  • Dress sharp. Make your first impression a professional one.

  • Listen to the person who is speaking. So many people get caught up in what they are going to say when it's their turn and end up responding off topic.

  • Always avoid speaking of past employers or ex-coworkers in a negative light. Even if it's deserved, it will make you seem bitter.

  • Once you get back to work or home after the interview, send a quick "thank you" e-mail. Keep it short and sweet; do not ramble on and on.

  • Lastly, if you were sent on the interview by a recruiter, call them and let them know your thoughts on the interview. We want to know how it went, how you did and your thoughts about the interview process.

We're sure there are more ideas that could be added to this list, but we're confident that if you follow these guidelines, you'll have a positive experience, and hopefully, a new career. If you're not in our candidate network, and ready for a new opportunity, contact us. If you'd like to discuss this article or another topic, contact me or email me at: